dreaming of food sovereignty

Written by Kaitlin Rizarri / @ate.kay:

This zine is a snap-shot of my masters thesis which discusses Filipinx/a/o food sovereignty in Tkaronto. Interviewing seven Filipinx/a/o farmers whom I'm in relation with, Francis Jabile, Justine Geroche, kikeyah alina, Kailee Cripton-Eser, Marynil Munoz, Michaela Cruz and Sharene Shafie, we consider crucial questions of what it means to be farming and earth working on Indigenous lands. It celebrates the relation building with human and non-human beings that these earthworkers are doing here. This zine is intended to be an opening of a discussion of what Filipinx/a/o diasporic peoples want to bring into the future - in regards to making new, life-affirming food systems. The first printed editions of this zine are printed on seed paper, to embody how our thoughts, dreams, tears, learning, and bodies grow with the seeds we plant. We hope you can feel the seeds through this digital portal <3

Created by Kaitlin Rizarri @ate.kay & Kristen Sison.
production and design by @bonesthrown.