Pulls from Emmanuel's Book III: What Is An Angel Doing Here?

From Bonesthrown newsletter sent out on Aug 1 2022

Sharing some pulls from Emmanuel's Book III (Emmanuel = master angel energy), in response to an IG q I posed a while back asking community for newsletter prompts. A few days before the New Moon past, I was sitting in a cafe before work reading Emmanuel to boost my Spirit. These letters came up and perfectly hit @withallofmysenses and @phoebewaiyanchin's queries (read below)


On Angels:

What is a miracle?

"It is the natural flow of Love's power.

It is the Angel present upon the planet Earth.

It is the Love that you feel in your own heart.

A miracle is mind's definition

for Love's natural capacity to be.

The mind sets up boundaries

of reasonable expectation and declares,

“This is the natural order.”

Love enters and knows no boundaries.

The presence of Love,

which is indeed the only reality that exists,

takes all of mind's careful planning

and simply blows it to bits.

Mind has determined, "Reason comes to this point

and can go no further."

Love does not even see the barrier.

When Love crashes through

mind's familiar understanding

of how things “ought” to be,

mind can only cry out, “That's a miracle!”

“No,” Love answers, “that's just the way I am.”

from the chapter The Fog of Familiarity.


On the Will to Create:

How do I reduce stress?

p. 89

Learn to trust who you are.

Give yourself the day, or two days.

I promise you

that if you give yourself permission to stay in bed,

doing nothing, you will be up

and doing what you love

by ten o'clock and you will not be stressed.

Stress comes from the internalized tyrant

who intones the mantra

of your life, "You will not do it right.

You are not good enough."

Do you see why we say it is time

to fall in love with yourselves?

Does an Angel require scolding?

Use meditation as an oasis

in the confusion of your days.

Try this brief attunement to the Self.

Take a moment to get quiet.

Then imagine that the crown chakra,

the opening at the top of your human physicality,

begins to soften, to expand.

This part of your being allows for the world of spirit

to emerge and then flow back again

into your humanness as you fall asleep

and awaken, or as you meditate,

and as you love.

Breathe up and down through the

crown opening.

As you go about the rest of your day,

bring your attention briefly

to the crown of your head.

Remind yourself that nothing matters

to the extent that fear has convinced you it does.


When a small infant is formed,

nothing, at the moment of birth, is solidly based.

The top of the head is open.

I know you cannot walk around

in your adult lives

with your physical brains covered

only by a membrane,

but would it not be excellent if you could live

your adult lives acknowledging the necessity

for that much room for growth?

Do not see yourselves as solid.

Do not let your costumes bind you,

but always have a great seam

in various points of your physicality

where unknown creation can take place.

Fear is terriby stressful. Truth is not.

How can I get past my fear of expressing myself

and get in touch with my creativity?

First, by not demanding that your creativity

be an obvious expression that others observe.

Begin gently to express to yourself.

It can be a secret.

Give yourself permission

to be a closet creator for a little while.

k bones

storyteller, re-storying reverence.


8/8/22 Lion’s Gate exchange with Monchy of Empathy Portal


re-arranging the furniture of the soul: newsletter archive